A SPECTACULAR display of meteors is due this weekend with the arrival of the annual Perseid meteor shower.

Dozens of shooting stars each hour are predicted and as the Moon is new tomorrow there will be no moonlight to hide the display.

One or two visible streaks are expected to be visible every minute during peak times.

The meteors in this shower all appear to emanate from the constellation Perseus. Experts say it is worth watching tonight but the best times to watch will be late night on Sunday through to dawn on Monday.

They advise finding a comfortable spot with a clear view of the northeast horizon, away from local lights and to lie back on a blanket or lounge chair and scan the entire sky.

The meteors are specks of dust from the comet Swift-Tuttle, which passes through the inner solar system every 130 years. They enter the Earth's atmosphere at more than 130,000 mph.

Skywatchers are urged to make the most of the opportunity this weekend as moonlight will severely restrict viewing next year.

Send your pictures of the Perseid meteor shower to oxpix@nqo.com