BICESTER'S first residents' parking scheme has got the go-ahead despite fears it will increase congestion caused by the town's redevelopment.

Oxfordshire County Council's cabinet rubber-stamped the plans despite one of its highways officers suggesting the scheme should be delayed until the completion of Bicester's new £70m town centre.

A Bicester Town Council meeting heard fears the town would grind to a halt because so many major developments coincide over the coming years.

Town and district councillor Les Sibley said: "All the traffic, especially once the town centre redevelopment gets under way, is going to focus on Victoria Road.

"I just wondered whether there would be common sense shown in terms of delaying the on-street parking scheme?"

County council highways officer Robert Rossiter said: "I do agree the situation will be made worse if you go ahead with residents' parking when the town centre will be short of parking.

"If there are no parking spaces Bicester will become gridlocked."

Bicester Town Council leader Debbie Pickford, who has spearheaded the scheme, said: "I actually feel it would be terribly unfair to the residents to now pull the scheme."

County Hall sparked anger when it said it was to charge residents for parking outside their homes in Oxford, but the authority is still going ahead with its plans.

The Bicester scheme could be in place by October and will allow people in Victoria Road, Priory Road, North Street, Kings End, Henley Gardens and Church Lane to apply for up to two permits. The first will cost £50 and the second £25.