Detailed plans of how CCTV could help reduce crime and disorder in Cowley Road, Oxford, are to be considered by councillors next week.

The report contains locations of where eight cameras could be put - and how much it would cost to run the scheme.

Last month, former Oxford police chief Supt Jim Trotman went to Oxford City Council's east area committee to ask councillors to support the scheme in principle.

Members said they were not prepared to commit to anything without knowing the cost - and expressed reservations about the use of cameras compared to the benefits of additional officers on the streets.

The committee is now being asked to decide whether to get behind a £150,000 bid for the project.

Nuala Young, chairman of the committee, said: "The reservations we were feeling were that it would just displace crime to side streets, just as the dispersal orders have displaced crime from Rose Hill to Donnington Bridge.

"We did have a lot of residents saying they wanted CCTV because they were having problems on their roads. But it is not going to stop that sort of thing, it is going to make it more likely."

The report proposes cameras on Magdalen College and The Plain and along Cowley Road near junctions with Alma Place, Union Street, Bullingdon Road, Randolph Street, and by the former bingo hall at the corner of Magdalen Road.

The bulk of the £150,000 cost is for the installation of the system and the cameras and columns themselves.

The rest goes towards powering the system, getting an audio link in place, CCTV control room equipment, and radio link equipment.

An additional £50,000 would be provided by the Oxford Safer Communities Partnership, which would pay for further feasibility studies into the scheme.

Mrs Young said: "We should have had these details the first time around but now we have them, that is something we can look at more clearly.

"We are all in favour of having CCTV by the bingo hall and the church yard.

"But the other ones, we have to look at and think about whether we have to go for the whole lot or or whether we can be more selective."

The committee will consider the plans at its meeting on Wednesday.