A SOCIAL worker has been suspended from the profession after repeatedly skipping work and lying about it.

Former Oxfordshire County Council employee Shanza K Khan was sanctioned for misconduct and dishonesty, for a string of untruths during her employment with the local authority.

She will be struck from the Health and Care Professions Council Register for six months, following a tribunal last week.

Miss Khan, who worked for the council between October 2015 and August 2016, admitted four occasions when she lied about being at work when she was not.

The Health and Care Professions Tribunal Service also found her guilty of misconduct due to four cases of inconsistent record-keeping.

The panel’s report said: “Honesty is one of the fundamental tenets of the profession, particularly for registrants who are in a position of trust and dealing with vulnerable service users.

“Accurate record-keeping is essential to ensure consistent and appropriate care.”

But, though ruling that Miss Khan’s fitness to practise was impaired, the panel added: “[She] has demonstrated considerable remorse and insight into her issues of dishonesty and fully accepts responsibility for her actions.

“She has also explained that these matters occurred at a time of extreme stress in her personal life.”

Council spokesman Paul Smith said: “The county council expects the highest standards of performance from its employees and takes all matters of misconduct seriously.”