YOUR ‘secret cyclist’ thinks jumping red lights is a reckless and illegal act. And I agree that there are cyclists who swoop through them as if they had a charmed life – and somehow get away with it thanks to the quick reactions of drivers.

But it isn’t always a reckless move. The main danger to cyclists on our roads are the cars and buses and lorries, all so much bigger, more powerful and better armoured than we are.

So it can be a safety measure, if the opportunity arises and the coast is clear, to leave them at the lights and get onto the next stretch of road while it is clear, rather than wait and all leave together in a bunch.

Now that a ‘Cyclists go now’ light has been successfully trialled at the bottom of the High Street, there are many other places they could be installed.

For instance, a flashing green cyclist light indicating ‘Cyclists go at your own risk’ would be helpful at the bottom of the Banbury Road where cyclists can safely turn left into Norham Gardens on a red light, and one at the Worcester Road/George Street lights would make that dangerous junction slightly safer.

Traffic lights should recognise the different needs of cyclists. A light giving us a chance to get away onto a clear road would make us a bit less vulnerable, and might also mitigate drivers’ angry perception that we aren’t playing fair.

Old Botley, Oxford