ILLUSTRATOR Ted Dewan has been chosen as a judge for a competition to design a logo marking the 70th anniversary of Oxford’s twinning links with German city Bonn.

Children and adults have been invited to submit their design for the logo and Bonn Week celebrations will run from Thursday, May 25 to Sunday, May 28.

There are entry categories for pupils from primary schools, secondary schools, adults and an overall winner.

Mr Dewan, from North Oxford, is the creator of the children’s book character Bing Bunny, and an award-winning TV series has been created for CBeebies.

The author will judge the entries for the city council competition alongside Tiffany Black, who is a professional artist, as well as Senior Lecturer in Finance at Oxford Brookes University.

The winners’ design will be used on marketing material and for future twinning events.

The competition runs until Monday, February 13.