A GREEN-FINGERED social worker has thrown down the gauntlet to neighbours to see once and for all who has the biggest sunflower in Blackbird Leys.

Kimberley Russell, 39, was incensed when she saw her uncle Paul Brackett's sunflower crop grace the front page of the Oxford Mail on July 28.

The Kestrel Crescent resident, who had diligently been growing her own since May, said her own beautiful blooms - standing at about 13 to 14ft tall - were superior.

She said: "I went round to his allotment and said 'Paul, I'm going to phone the Oxford Mail because I've got the biggest sunflower in Blackbird Leys'.

"In the next couple of days he was in the paper with his sunflower head. But mine is bigger.

"Because we have the Kassam Stadium near us people have been going past and taking photos; I'm so pleased.

"We have about 10 sunflower heads. I just loved my sunflower, gave it kisses and spoke to it, and I believe that's what made it grow the best."

Anyone in Blackbird Leys or beyond who believes they have the tallest sunflower in Oxfordshire is invited to send a photo of their contender to hsomerville@nqo.com