THE new Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, took part in an ancient ceremony today to introduce himself to his new congregation.

The former Bishop of Jarrow was enthroned as 42nd Bishop of Oxford at Christ Church.

Before the ceremony, Bishop John said that it was a "huge privilege and responsibility" to be chosen, and that he was following in the footsteps of some "great predecessors", including the Rt Rev Richard Harries, who retired last year after 19 years.

Bishop John, 58, added: "Bishop Richard invited me for lunch at the House of Lords and we had a very good chat.

"I know some people today will think the ceremony is a little bit Gilbert and Sullivan, but most people are proud of the way England and the Church maintain these traditions."

Bishop John walked through to the cathedral accompanied by Area Bishops, Archdeacons and the Diocesan Secretary.

He was joined by representatives of the city, county and academic community along the way, before being led into the cathedral by children from Christ Church Cathedral School and St Ebbe's Primary School.

Oxford's Lord Mayor John Tanner said: "This is a great and rare Oxford occasion."

David Ingrouille, 57, who is a bellringer at St Giles Church, said: "I like the idea of the city, the university and the church joining up for this. It's a shame the streets are overrun by buses."

Bishop John entered the cathedral after knocking symbolically on the doors, and was welcomed by the Dean, the Very Rev Christopher Lewis.

The Bishop was enthroned in his episcopal chair, and preached a sermon entitled Hero, Saint or Servant.

He said: "A servant church doesn't want to go it alone. We look for partnerships, for ways of serving with other agencies, public bodies, universities, schools, businesses, charities - anyone as concerned as we are that everyone should discover their full story and live at full stretch."

More than 800 people attended the service, which was followed by a garden party in Christ Church.

Bishop John was previously Suffragan Bishop of Jarrow in the Diocese of Durham. He was a student at Oxford University and has previously been Archdeacon of Canterbury and Warden of Cranmer Hall in Durham.

Bishop John added: "It's been a long time since the announcement that Wendy and I were coming to Oxford, so I'm delighted the time has come at last.

"We've had a great welcome, informally, from so many people, but now it's time to go public and get started. There are people to meet, places to visit, exciting projects to get to know. I have much to learn about this great diocese and its vibrant life."

The Bishop of Oxford leads the Church of England in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.