We're all for putting the frighteners on burglars.

They are the lowest of the low, breaking and creeping into homes when the occupants are away, out or asleep.

Anyone who has suffered a burglary will know how traumatic the experience is.

Burglars are never tidy people. Not only will they strip you of your valuable belongings, they will leave the place in a terrible mess.

Coming home to find your castle invaded is a nightmare scenario none of us want to face.

So the more we can round up, arrest and lock up, the better.

Dawn raids on the homes of known burglars always provide a bit of excitement for neighbours, and a deserved shock to the system for criminals.

But now Oxford police are trying a new tactic - writing to suspects and offering them help to mend their criminal ways - or else.

Don't speak too soon, but it may be that the police move is already having an effect.

Since the letters started dropping on burglars' doormats, there has been a 25 per cent drop in the number of break-ins in Oxford.

Long may the frighteners stay on these despicable people.