Oxfordshire County Council's secretive consideration of allowing property development on Northway playing fields in Oxford is a disgrace.

Despite all the reassurances that Northway playing fields are to be protected, the sense of outrage felt by residents and councillors, existing and present, cannot be underestimated.

For years, former city councillor Maureen Christian and I have argued for the playing fields to be protected as an essential green space for the Northway community.

Despite reassurances that this is not a proposal for redevelopment, what are we supposed to believe when it is on the list? At a time when healthy living is so central, one despairs at the arrogance behind putting monetary gain ahead of quality of life. It is essential that Northway playing fields are removed from this list - get your bulldozers off our lawn.

Tony Gray (Councillor), Headington Hill and Northway, Oxford City Council