I saw a report condemning the tactics of Patientline, the suppliers of the phone system to hospital patients.

In some places, its employees are allegedly going from patient to patient selling the phonecards to them, irrespective of their condition.

Is this happening in our local hospitals?

We have experienced the cost when my daughter was an patient.

There was no alternative phone for her to use unless she walked to a public phone, which she was discouraged to do by nursing staff.

I am not surprised by this report, as I have spoken out against any private companies working within the NHS for many years.

Private companies exist to make a profit In this case, they are trying to do it on the backs of sick and vulnerable people in a distasteful way.

Sadly, they probably have a long contract with the various trusts and there is not much that can be done to cancel it.

Like PFI, the public are saddled with it, thanks to the shortsighted policy of the Government.

I am glad I no longer work for the NHS as its ethos has long ago gone out of the window.

PFI, excessive car parking charges and the general dogma of privatising everything possible are detrimental to the wellbeing of the patients and certainly the ancillary staff.

It is time the British public let their voices be heard.

Andy Hathaway, Grays Close, Chalgrove