Sir - You report (May 25) that residents of North Oxford have been "shaken" by news of land in their area being earmarked for housing.

The same story quotes Councillor Fooks as saying that people do not feel they have been properly consulted. Can I ask if this is the same Councillor Fooks who was reported on your front page of several weeks ago expressing her surprise regarding the suggestions for development in Summertown detailed in the council core strategy document?

I have recycled the paper in question so cannot recall the exact reference and details, although her general drift was that development could take place easily in Barton but not in Summertown.

May I, through the pages of your newspaper, respectfully suggest that residents of North Oxford pay more attention to local issues? In the same strategy documents, the allotments in Barton are also earmarked for development, and representatives of those allotments have already been to consultations, workshops and area committee meetings to give their views.

If residents of Summertown care about their open space, they should take more notice of what may be planned for it.

Luke McNeill Oxford