Sir - As I got onto a bus the other day, on crutches, a bevy of teenagers of both sexes leapt to their feet to offer me a seat. I have often used this bus at the same place and time, but hitherto my white hair - and even that of my wife (who is an invalid, though with no outward sign of it) - has had such an effect only on young women.

Why is it that mannerly behaviour by boys towards a physically disabled person is 'cool', but not towards anyone else?

I wonder if our society is not itself to blame? In these post-feminist days, if a young man is polite to a woman he is sexist, if he is polite to a man he is gay, if he is polite to a child he is a paedophile, if he is polite to his peers he is seeking some favour; but people on crutches may have been playing football or fighting in Iraq, so no brownie points will be lost by helping them.

Young women, happily for them - and for us oldies - are spared these hang-ups and can safely behave in a civilized manner. Poor lads!

Hubert Allen Old Marston