A MUM accused a married taxi driver of raping her because she regretted having sex with him behind her boyfriend’s back, a court heard.

Abul Chowdhury denies raping the woman at his Witney home after rescuing her and a friend from being stranded at the Holiday Inn at Oxford’s Peartree roundabout in May last year.

The two mothers, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told Oxford Crown Court that 35-year-old Chowdhury offered them breakfast at his house in Blakes Avenue, but on arrival they decided to go to bed instead.

However, one of the women told the court she awoke in the early hours to find Chowdhury raping her, while her friend said she was woken up by him sexually assaulting her.

Chowdhury originally told police the woman had come into his room and raped him, but changed his defence before the trial, claiming they had consensual sex.

He also denies one count of assault by penetration in relation to the second woman.

Sarah Buckingham, defending, told a jury of six men and six women yesterday her client changed his defence because he was separated from his wife, and was embarrassed she could find out.

She added: “Why would he lie? Because he did not want his wife to find out he has been unfaithful.”

Jurors were sent out to consider their verdicts, then sent home to resume deliberations on Monday.

The trial continues.