Sir - Contrary to all the criticism in the press complaining about the John Radcliffe's surgeons and medical teams I had a triple bypass in 2000 in the John Radcliffe. We put our complete faith and trust in these very skilled people. We had no doubts about the outcome being positive.

I owe my life to them and their teams including the surgeons, doctors, anaesthetist and nurses, plus the wonderful and vital blood donors. Apart from the blood used in the operation, I had 13 extra pints of blood because of an ulcer.

Every day is a blessing and we should all count our blessings every day through our lives. I have just had a prostate operation at the Churchill Hospital and came home three days later. Another medical team, and they too, from surgeons to nurses, were all wonderful.

Life is too short, so please, everybody, think positive. Live each day with grateful thanks and ignore the sensationalist newspapers, in particular the national ones.

David Kempson, Wheatley