You report that another drugs factory has been found (Oxford Mail, April 18).

To whom do these houses, where the drug factories are found, belong?

No doubt, by the look of the latest one, they are former council houses - sold off, privately owned and let out again, investment property or likewise, with no care or responsibility of what goes on in them, beside other unsuspecting residents.

I read recently of the numbers of families that are waiting on housing lists for a home of their own - young people, born or working in this area, yet unable to afford to live here now, because the council has sold off all the houses.

It makes my blood boil when I read of yet another case of wasted property inappropriately rented or let out to these 'drug barons' lackeys', trying to get rich quick at the expense of other young people.

Where is the justice or law in this City of Dreaming Spires, with ever-rising property prices and the building of luxury flats for investors?

Probably some of the drug barons themselves. Who else could afford them?

So don't drop your guard, nosey neighbours. Keep being vigilant.

We even had a 'drug factory' raided recently at the end of our road, which I noticed was kept low profile.

Now more luxury flats are going up at the end of our gardens after the recent demolition of a perfectly good rentable bungalow that families had been housed in.

Flats seem to be the future where people can 'isolate' and make themselves 'feel secure' in today's world.

Will we no longer be able to hear children at play or neighbours chatting?

An old lady from the next road said to me the other day: "I miss the old days." Well, so do I.

HANNAH O'LEARY, Westbury Crescent, Oxford