A CRIME reduction officer is urging people not to give burglars easy pickings as the weather warms up.

Mark Bradfield said with the temperature higher than normal at this time of year, it was tempting to leave windows and doors open, but this could be the invitation that opportunist thieves need.

Between 12.45am on April 21 and 8am on April 22, offenders entered a house in Mickle Way, Forest Hill, through the front door and stole motorcycle keys which they then used to steal the motorcycle.

Between 12.30pm and 5.45pm on April 21 thieves walked in through the front door of a house on Greys Road, Henley, and stole a TV and computer.

Between 11.30pm on 15 April and 9.30am on April 16, a bag was stolen from inside the front door of an address in Webster Close, Thame, and a similar incident occurred in Vane Road in Thame on the same night in which a hand bag was stolen.

On April 15, thieves stole golf clubs through an open window at an address in Lonesome Cox Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford.

Mr Bradfield said: "The weather is warm for this time of year so we are giving residents an early reminder about the risks of leaving windows open at night.

"Most burglars are opportunist thieves and break into people's homes on the spur of the moment through unlocked doors and windows - even if you are in the garden or upstairs.

"Before you turn in at night, make sure your home is secure. Keep doors locked and make sure you know where the keys are. Close and lock windows or they could easily be targeted by opportunist thieves.

"Burglary is frequently linked to drugs, so offenders are looking for a quick steal - a laptop in full view in a house with the window open is just asking for trouble. Keeping curtains drawn is good for hiding your valuables and makes your property less of a target."

Mr Bradfield's home security tips:

  • Don't leave your house unattended with windows and doors unlocked even if it is just for a minute'
  • Don't leave car keys near to front doors where they can be "fished" or "hooked" out through the letter box
  • Remember to remove keys from locked windows and keep them out of sight.
  • Spare keys should never be left in a convenient hiding place such as under the door mat or in a flower pot - a thief will look there first.
  • Easily accessible upstairs windows, every downstairs window and those which can't be seen from the street, should be fitted with key operated window locks.
  • High priced items such as jewellery and credit cards should be kept out of sight - do not tempt the thief.
  • Sheds and garages are full of tools ideal for breaking into the rest of the house - Never leave a garage or garden shed unlocked.
  • Consider looking at your house through the burglar's eyes, are there places where they could break in unseen?
  • Light up your house during the night. Fit low energy lights around your home. Thieves don't like being seen and this will put offenders off.
  • Install the best security you can afford in order to delay or deter the criminal. They really do prefer an easy target.