Remember punk?

Oxford punks were on the march in 1980 demanding more live music in the city.

About 200 of them walked from The Plain to the city centre carrying banners calling for help from the city council.

Organiser Rob Silverstone, a 25-year-old hospital nurse, said: "All we want is a venue of our own where we can get good bands to come and play.

"At Aylesbury, the local authority has provided a whole new complex called The Friars, but we would be happy if the council would give us an old empty building. We would do all the work if we could just get a grant.

"There is nowhere in Oxford where people who like the New Wave music can go, except the Oranges and Lemons in St Clement's, and that is far too small."

Mr Silverstone, who had already presented a 300-name petition to the council, insisted he was not a punk. But he added: "I like the music."

Punk was an anti-establishment rock music movement which emerged in the mid-1970s, and many followers wore outrageous clothes and sported strange hairstyles.

Any memories of the punk period? And did they ever get their venue?