It is chilling that a notorious paedophile could be allowed to move next to a school in Oxfordshire.

Robert Excell was deported from Australia last year after serving long prison terms for sexually abusing children there.

As a British citizen, he was packed off on a flight to Heathrow and the authorities here inherited the dilemma about what to do with him when he chose to live in Oxfordshire.

The difficulty they face is that Excell has never committed any offences here and is technically free to come and go as he pleases, although he is monitored and on the Sex Offenders' Register.

After initially moving to East Hanney, he decamped to Abingdon once his background became known to locals.

Now he has been unmasked again, with parents demanding his removal from this highly inappropriate address.

The obvious fear is that Excell may reoffend. But there is also a concern about someone taking the law into their own hands if he stays where he is.

Police and social services are aware of the situation, but refuse to say officially what they are doing about it.

For the sake of children at the school - and to avoid any vigilante action - let us hope that behind their wall of silence they are making plans to move Excell to a more suitable location.

If they leave him where he is for much longer, they deserve all the criticism which is sure to follow.