BRITISH tourists in Tunisia have been advised to leave the country amid fears of a fresh terror attack following the atrocity in Sousse.

The Foreign Office has warned against all but essential travel following intelligence that a terrorist attack is "highly likely".

Tour operators are arranging extra flights to ensure holidaymakers can leave, the government said.

UK authorities have been working with their Tunisian counterparts since the beach massacre that claimed the lives of 30 Britons.

But despite increased security since the shootings the Government said the extra measures did not go far enough.

In updated travel advice, the Foreign Office said: "Since the attack in Sousse, we have been working closely with the Tunisian authorities to investigate the attack and the wider threat from terrorist groups in Tunisia.

"Although we have had good co-operation from the Tunisian government, including putting in place additional security measures, the intelligence and threat picture has developed considerably, reinforcing our view that a further terrorist attack is highly likely.

"On balance, we do not believe the mitigation measures in place provide adequate protection for British tourists in Tunisia at the present time and we have therefore changed our travel advice accordingly."

Holidaymakers should contact their tour operators about returning to Britain and independent travellers should make their own arrangements to leave, the FCO said.