Sir – Councillor Laura Price (Letters, July 2) wrote that Witney’s ‘overgrown areas are annoying and unsightly’. She proposed that she and her colleague Duncan Enright might form a grass and foliage team.

I want to point out that Witney already has such a voluntary group. Witney Woodland Volunteers (WWV) has, since 2006, been committed to maintaining the footpaths and green spaces around Witney.

WWV liaises with Witney Town Council and WODC to augment official maintenance by cutting back, planting up and litter picking on a weekly basis. You will see us working regularly on Witan Way riverside path, the Cogges Estate and Mud Lane, Tower Hill and Burford Road footpaths, Loom Lane, Langel Common and paths behind the community hospital and Marriotts Walk playground.

We have planted spring bulbs along Thorney Leys and have managed the 11-acre Deer Park Wood since 2010. WWV goes out each Monday come rain or shine, for over two hours, and between 12 and 20 members come each week. We would welcome councillor Price and any readers to join us.

For details of membership see our website:

Juliet Curry
Witney Woodland Volunteers