A MAN who lied to a underage schoolgirl that he was only 16 and related to Joey Essex before sneaking up to her room and having sex with her was jailed for 18 months.

Charles Chapman, now 20, struck up a relationship with the teenage girl by telling her he was related to The Only Way is Essex star and was 16 when he was in fact 18.

Oxford Crown Court heard that Chapman then asked the girl for naked pictures on social media and sent indecent images of himself to her.

The girl invited Chapman to her home in Bicester in February last year, where he lied to her mum about his age and he was allowed to sleep on the sofa.

But Cathy Olliver, prosecuting, said that he had unprotected sex with her.

She added: “He was allowed to stay overnight, he said there was no transport home because he missed his bus.

“He told her mother he was 16, she reluctantly allowed him to kip over on the sofa.”

Ms Olliver told the court the incident came to light after the girl confessed that she had slept with him to a social worker because she was worried she was pregnant. Ms Olliver added: “She knew him under another name, Essex.

“He said he was related to the TV star of the same name.

“She said she felt manipulated – if she had known he was 18 she would have stayed clear of him.

“He knew she was 14.”

Chapman, of Oxford Road, Bletchingdon, admitted one count of sexual activity with a child at an earlier hearing.

Defending, Peter Du Feu said Chapman had a low IQ of 65.

He said his siblings had come from an abusive family and had spent long periods being fostered and in care.

The court heard on Monday that when Chapman struck up his relationship with the girl, he was already on bail for charges of sexual activity with another child in Warwickshire.

The Crown Prosecution Service has since confirmed that he was jailed in July last year for 30 months at Warwick Crown Court after admitting four counts of sexual activity with a child, one of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and another of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

Jailing Chapman for a further 18 months Judge Patrick Eccles said lying about his age had left his victim in emotional turmoil.

He said: “You took advantage of her in her mother’s house.”