TRUCKLOADS of military equipment and tankers trundled through Oxfordshire yesterday as a new regiment moved in.

After 50 years of service in Germany, the 1st Regiment Royal Logistic Corps has begun the move to St David’s Barracks at Graven Hill, Bicester.

Eighteen vehicles made their way to the base in convoy after arriving at Southampton.

Capt Gareth Dalby said: “These are extremely exciting times as the move from Germany takes place. Bicester will now see a constant flow of not only military vehicles but personnel and their families. The regiment is most certainly looking forward to making Bicester its home.”

The regiment, which is about 550-strong, will be moving in stages over the summer from its old base in Gütersloh. Unmarried soldiers are arriving first, followed by families when schools break up for the summer holidays.

The convoy was welcomed by Bicester mayor Jim French.

The regiment, which was responsible for the drawdown of Camp Bastion in Afghanistan as British troops withdrew from Helmand Province, was awarded the Fahnenband, an honour from the German Ministry of Defence, in a ceremony in Gütersloh.