THIS incredible image of a grass snake rearing up at a pheasant was captured by wildlife photographer George Reszeter.

Mr Reszeter, who retired as astaff photographer at the Oxford Mail six years ago, has lost none of his instinct for a good shot, and grabbed his camera when he saw the pheasant pecking at something in the garden of his Wootton by Woodstock home.

Mr Reszeter, who retired partly to spend more time on wildlife photography, said: “I was sitting in the garden with my wife and I saw this pheasant acting strangely.

“I grabbed my camera and bent down towards it and saw it was attacking a grass snake. My movements scared the pheasant away and the snake slithered off.”

He added: “I had no idea why the pheasant would be attacking a snake but then she came back a few minutes later, with a little chick. So it makes sense. The mum was protecting the chick. It was just very strange.”

Grandad Mr Reszeter, who will celebrate being married to his wife Patricia for 50 years in July, shot the pictures on a Canon digital camera.

* To see more of his pictures, visit