IT’S supersquirrel!

He may look nuts, but this furry fiend wasn’t chicken when there was a Kentucky-fried feast in the offing.

Former Oxford Mail photographer George Reszeter put some leftover homemade spicy chicken wings out in his garden, in Wootton near Abingdon, for the birds, but he never expected to get quite such rave reviews from his customers.

Mr Reszeter said: “I normally put out little scraps of food for the birds on an old tree stump. I was watching from my kitchen window one day and all of a sudden this squirrel came running in and leapt over the pond.

“It was a good four feet.”

Mr Reszeter fetched his camera, returned to the window, then he waited and waited.

In the end, it wasn’t until several days later that he actually managed to catch supersquirrel in the act.

He said: “I was absolutely astounded, I’ve never seen anything like it before.