Six people have been charged with a series of offences following a number of dawn raids by police in Oxford.

On Wednesday officers carried out Operation Bridgetown at 6am, mounting raids on homes across the city and arresting 23 people on suspicion of taking electrical items, including laptop computers, mobile phones, digital cameras and other computer equipment. Substances believed to be Class A drugs were also seized.

Today, six people appeared before Oxford magistrates.

Oghenetega Okotete, 20, of Gerard Place, Oxford, was charged with conspiracy to handle stolen goods and attempting to handle stolen goods.

Tolulope Sofidiya, 22, of Ridgefield Road, Oxford, was charged with conspiracy to handle stolen goods and attempting to handle stolen goods.

Godfrey Muiruri, 18, of Furlong Close, Oxford was charged with two counts of conspiracy to handle stolen goods, and attempting to handle stolen goods.

Jusiah Bignall, 22, of Sage Road, Leicester, was charged with three counts of supplying class A controlled drugs and with the possession of drugs with intent to supply.

Darrell Cleary, 22, of Cave Street, Oxford, was charged with three counts of supplying class A controlled drugs and with three counts of possession of drugs with intent to supply.

Mohammed Rafiq, 44, of James Street, Oxford, was charged with conspiracy to handle stolen goods.

Oketete, Sofidiya and Muiruri were all committed to Oxford Crown Court for a preliminary hearing on April 11 but the other three have not yet been dealt with.

In total, 23 people were arrested as part of the operation. Sixteen have been released on police bail while one was released without charge.