MORSE Code might be an outdated mode of technology but it still delighted children at the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford.

As part of the museum’s half-term activities youngsters got to learn about the Second World War code and try it out for themselves.

Called Send a Message SOS, the one-day drop-in exhibit helped families decode the mystery messages.

Eight-year-old Eva Clayden said: “We had headphones and a control with a button. When you pressed the button, it made a noise and different dots and dashes for different letters.

“We could hear each other and there was a sheet to tell us the different letters.”

Eva, from Wolvercote, was at the museum with her best friends Fran and Alex Giles.

She said: “It was Fran’s ninth birthday in February and I got her a present with Morse Code in it.

“It was a kit but it was a bit smaller than the one we played with. I like the idea of secret codes and things. It’s fun if no one else can understand you.”