Vim Rodrigo describes the Water Eaton park-and-ride near Kidlington as a white elephant in his letter outlining Oxfordshire County Council's mistakes (Oxford Mail, March 12).

While I have to agree that some of the projects he mentioned are certainly worthy of criticism, I have to take issue with him over the park-and-ride.

The service from there is good, it serves people living in Cherwell ably in that it accepts bus passes issued by Cherwell District Council, there is a heated waiting room kept spotlessly clean, with useful information for tourists and visitors to the city, and the service runs to time.

The staff there are helpful, as are the drivers.

In fairness to all park-and-ride drivers, they have, in my experience, always been good adverts for the city and their employers.

Lots of people must disagree with Mr Rodrigo. I used it today and the overflow car park was in operation.

Chris Payne, George Street, Bicester