Younger readers may think of recycling as a new phenomenon.

But older ones will remember that everyone was urged to do their bit during the Second World War.

Yvonne Wright, of Bell Lane, Cassington, found an interesting item in a copy of the Cornish Telegraph dated July 3, 1940, during a recent visit to Cornwall.

With the headlines, Collecting waste at Penzance, and Householders should know this, it read: "The Penzance Town Council have undertaken, upon the instructions of the Ministry of Supply, to arrange for the collection of waste paper, scrap metals and bones.

"Waste paper will be collected separately, and householders are asked to keep paper in parcels until called for.

"If the quantity demands, a weekly collection will be made, but a fortnightly collection will probably be sufficient.

"The lorries are partitioned off to receive scrap metals, and householders should keep tins and other metal articles separate from the normal house refuse and these will be collected at the usual intervals, when the refuse collectors call.

"Household bones will also be collected at the same time and placed in special receptacles.

"Bones should not be put into the bins with the refuse, but placed beside the bins on the days of collection. Persons having large quantities of salvaged articles of either class, may notify the sanitary inspector, and a special collection will be arranged.

"Voluntary help will also be greatly appreciated for sorting and baling at the Waste Paper Depot."

There was no mention of wheelie bins, but even in 1940, weekly or fortnightly collections were something of an issue!