A woman is being interviewed after telling police she was sexually assaulted in Oxford city centre today.

An alleyway in Market Street, between the Market Tavern and Boots, has been cordoned off while officers investigated the scene.

It is understood that an Oxford woman, in her late teens, was assaulted in the alleyway at some point between 1am and 3am and she was yesterday being interviewed by police.

Around 10 police officers, including specialist Scenes of Crimes Officers, were called to the scene and police spokesman Toby Shergold said the alleyway was cordoned off shortly after the attack was reported.

Mr Shergold said: "We will be looking at CCTV images of the city centre and obviously forensic teams have to be extremely thorough and will be doing forensic tests of most of the things within that area."

He said it was too early to say whether or not the young woman had been raped.

Police are appealing for anyone who may have seen anything suspicious in the city centre last night or this morning to contact CID on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.