Tory MP Tony Baldry has said a burgeoning drugs trade has meant illegal substances were being delivered "quicker than pizza" in towns like Banbury and Bicester.

Speaking in Parliament, the Banbury MP said the growth of the drugs trade in Birmingham meant towns along the M40 were particularly susceptible.

Oxford-based drugs charity Smart told Mr Baldry people could text for drugs. Mr Baldry said: "Banbury and Bicester are soft targets and drug dealers come in.

"The Smart team told me that in Banbury or Bicester, it is as easy to get a delivery of drugs as to order a pizza. They were not being in any way alarmist - just matter-of-fact."

He added: "Dealers are truly evil and every effort should be made to disrupt and prevent their activities. We have to accept that a culture or subculture of drug taking has become endemic in parts of society."