A CARPENTER chewed off part of a man's nose in a savage attack during a drunken brawl, a court heard.

Ben Chapman, 26, admitted wounding causing grievous bodily harm by biting off the end of 21-year-old Danny Portnall's nose in a fight outside the Black Boy pub in Chinnor in December 2005.

At Oxford Crown Court Judge Julian Hall gave Chapman a nine-month suspended jail sentence and 80 hours' unpaid work.

He ordered him to pay £1,500 compensation to Mr Chapman and £500 costs.

Judge Hall said: "Up until the very end it had been a regrettable fight between two drunken young men.

"Then you acted in a savage way and bit the end of his nose off and that is not to be forgiven."

Sangita Modgil, defending, said Chapman, of Station Road, Chinnor, was too drunk to recall the incident.