Oh, goody! I see that our lords and masters in Brussels are now going to ban ordinary light bulbs to reduce greenhouse gases and save the planet.

This CO2 hysteria has now got out of hand.

There is irrefutable scientific evidence going back centuries proving that the temperature of the earth is cyclic and is due mainly to solar activity, not because of mankind.

It has been scientifically proven that CO2 increases some 40 years after an increase in the earth's temperature and, therefore, it is this temperature increase that releases CO2 (mainly from the sea), not the other way round as the doomsters would have us believe.

The amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels is miniscule and is far outweighed by the amounts released naturally by rotting vegetable matter and volcanoes, to name but two other natural sources.

The scaremongering media show us pictures of big lumps of ice falling of the ends of glaciers into the sea as 'proof' that the world is about to end. What hogwash - this phenomenon has been happening for millennia and some of the other ice sheets are actually growing.

I despair about the naivety of politicians and others who blindly accept the biased, groundless information given to them by so-called global warming experts, without checking the real facts which are freely available on the Internet.

So, boys and girls, ignore the ill-informed, use lots of petrol, fly away on holiday and stoke your fires up because doing so won't make a ha'peth of difference to the planet.

Tony Anchors Didcot