The relentless pressure for development in Oxford continues this week with news of proposals for a so-called Northern Gateway.

The land between Pear Tree and Wolvercote roundabout is open but not especially attractive. It has been earmarked as a future development site.

This land does offer a number of opportunities. One is to create an attractive entrance to the northern end of the city. For this to be the case, any development needs to be of a high quality. Proposals for significant new public buildings to house the emergency services and proposals for university spin-off companies involved in science and research mean this is achievable if the will is there.

Importantly, development of this land is also a huge opportunity to deal with traffic congestion on the northern edge of Oxford.

One of the city's worst pinch-points is the Wolvercote roundabout, particularly approached from the west on the A40.

A new link road from the A40 to Pear Tree has been proposed before. Redevelopment of land in this area is a first-class opportunity to make this happen.