Who would believe it? The Bush Government, with the complicity of Tony Blair, invented a series of excuses, downright lies in reality, justifying an illegal invasion of Iraq.

Now it appears Bush is intent on trying the same scam in regards to Iran.

He accuses Iran of developing nuclear weapons, without the slightest evidence.

The United Nations called US data on Iran's nuclear aims "unreliable" and Mohamed ElBaradei, who heads the International Atomic Energy Agency, said: "The Iran bomb is 10 years away."

That, of course, assumes that Iran wants nuclear weapons.

The truth behind both the illegal invasion of Iraq and the planned attack on Iran is that it's all about oil - the control of oil resources in the Middle East.

Iraq in 2001 switched from selling oil in US dollars and it's not a coincidence that Iran did the same a few months ago.

These acts threatened the United States' world hegomony, which is necessary to preserve the US dollar as the world's number one reserve currency.

There is no way that the UN Security Council will sanction an attack on Iran - China and Russia will undoubtedly veto any attempt.

The problem is the USA now has its own version of 'international law', which allows for concentration camps, collective punishment, the deliberate targeting of civilians and invasion of other nations.

The world is now facing the biggest danger since 1939. The US President's sanity has to be in question.

Time perhaps for the European Union to take a stand - the UK, of course, is still hogtied with a poodle for Prime Minister.

ROGER LEE Burford Road Witney