A second river crossing seen as the answer to much of Abingdon's traffic problems is not regarded as a high priority by Oxfordshire County Council because of the cost and lack of enthusiasm from the South East Regional Assembly.

But there is a glimmer of hope. The county's Transport Networks Review team (TNR) that sets out the county's strategy for the transport network until 2021 said in a report: "Although a bypass/bridge for Abingdon is not a high priority, the TNR recognises that a separate study may be worthwhile, with any potential measures being implemented in the longer term 2016-21."

The report continues: "A scheme of the magnitude of a bypass/bridge would need to fulfil the requirements for regional funding.

"In the most recent round of funding bids, it would have been highly unlikely that such a scheme at Abingdon would have received sufficient priority to secure funding."

Abingdon councillor Mike Badcock said: "I hope that another study can be carried out. A new river crossing south of Abingdon or one off Audlett Drive towards the east is so important. It would divert much of the traffic out of Abingdon town centre and lead to an enormous improvement in congestion that troubles the town and which will increase as vehicle numbers continue to increase year by year."

Another key transport issue that has been pursued by both the Vale of White Horse District Council and Abingdon Town Council is an improved A34 interchange at Lodge Hill.

Since it was built about 30 years ago, Lodge Hill has had only a southbound exit and access road to the north. The councils say it needs a full "diamond" interchange with four slip roads.

But the Highways Agency and the county's Transport Networks Review are unconvinced. The TNR has not recommended new slip roads at the interchange because, it is argued, they would increase traffic on the already busy A34.

The TNR says the idea would be "vigorously opposed" by the Highways Agency, the body responsible for the A34.

Julie Mayhew-Archer, Abingdon Town Council's member on the steering group of the town's integrated transport system, said: "An improved Lodge Hill interchange would be a tremendous benefit in easing congestion in the town."