A pupil managed to smuggle cannabis across Europe in a coach while travelling to Spain for a school skiing trip.

Teachers discovered that a year 11 student at Bartholomew School, Eynsham, was in possession of a small amount of cannabis when the school party arrived at a resort in the Pyrenees at the beginning of half-term week last month.

Headteacher Andrew Hamilton said: "There was an incident in which a young individual took a little bit of cannabis with him on the trip.

"This is highly unusual and we took a very strong line when we found out what had happened. I am unwilling to comment further on a circumstance that might upset and offend and really be detrimental to the well being of parents and pupils that I have a duty of care towards."

Mr Hamilton did not confirm whether the pupil concerned had been expelled, but said that "the most severe punishment available" had been given.

A concerned parent, who contacted the Oxford Mail to highlight what had happened, said: "I think there should be publicity around this.

"I am very worried about the drug culture in schools.

"When I heard about this, I was outraged. I think there is a real problem of drugs in schools and it is getting worse.

"I could get marijuana when I was 16, but you had to really search it out and go into the really rough areas of the city.

"Now it just seems so prevalent.

"Academically the school is excellent and I would hate to see it tainted by these activities."

Mr Hamilton added: "There is no major issue with drugs at the school.

"There is an issue in society as a whole with the perception that cannabis is safe which it is not and therefore society is giving children the wrong message."