IT IS not very often that I write in support of Thames Valley Police.

The recent case of child abuse was very unfair about the Chief Constable.

I think the blame is due entirely on social services.

Many years ago while a Sergeant at Bicester, I arrested a couple for being drunk in charge of a child under five.

I knew of a couple who fostered children and took the child to them for the night. It was in a sorry state; soiled nappies and vomit-stained clothes. It had been given liquorice.

When the case came to court, I gave my evidence. The defence then called an army of social workers and a midwife. The mother had been drunk when giving birth, the father smelled of drink when he came to court.

By the time the case was over, I felt that I was the one at fault.

So often it seems the social services have to have working parties, committees and subcommittees prior to action being taken.

The phrase about horse and stable doors comes to mind about the Bullfinch case.

RW TUCKER Kingsway Drive Kidlington Oxford