Sir – Monday, March 2, saw the opening of Nuffield Place, the former home of Lord Nuffield for their 2015 season.

I organised a small convoy of Cowley-related cars  and it is lovely to be able keep the link between Cowley and Nuffield Place alive, and there isn’t a better way of doing this than by using Cowley cars.  I would like to thank Mini Plant Oxford for allowing us to start from the plant, Andrew Smith MP for waving us off, Nuffield Place for hosting us for the day and, of course, all the car owners who brought their wonderful cars along.

Today, Cowley is hugely successful producing the acclaimed Mini, but it is always important to remember how Cowley started and Lord Nuffield, the remarkable man behind it. Nuffield Place is very interesting and well worth a visit, and would urge those readers who haven’t visited yet, to do so. 

Tanya Field, Headington