TONY Blair famously spoke of “education, education, education”

when he set out his party’s manifesto in 2001. And as another General Election edges ever closer, education is again on the agenda for all the parties.

David Cameron has announced 500 new free schools. But his concerns should be focused on those schools already built.

Cherwell School has had to go cap in hand to its parents for cash as the Government has failed to give it enough money to cover its running and maintenance costs.

The Department for Education’s response bizarrely boasts of keeping funding per pupil at the same rates as 2010 – forgetting half a decade of inflation.

As other nations speed ahead of us in terms of attainment, it is scandalous that our schools have been left in this situation.

The Prime Minister must recognise that children will be far better served learning in classrooms that are fit for purpose.

Instead of spouting empty promises to sweeten the vote before the election, he needs to look again at the Department of Education’s funding formulas and make sure cash is released to improve our existing school buildings. Otherwise he is robbing Peter to pay Paul.