AMERICAN President Franklin D Roosevelt once said “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”

Election fever is now heating up and the main parties are sending out their troops asking for our vote.

They will be full of promises, but will they be able to deliver?

I’m sure they will fail to mention our country’s huge debt problem left after the banking crisis which has left us in a very dangerous state where any major world event could be disastrous for us all.

So it does seem whoever gets in after the election, the majority of us will be facing big cuts in government spending.

But it is important to realise that a general election is our only real chance where we all have a voice, when we can vote with our conscience, unlike the politicians where the majority of the time they have to vote on party lines.

The election in May is going to be the most unpredictable election for decades. It appears the majority of the nation doesn’t have much faith in any of the parties and there’s a chance many will not vote.

History has shown us times when the main parties have only served the establishment and the people think they have no choice.

But remember, politics thrives on keeping us individual and fears us speaking as one voice, so it’s important we educate ourselves and ask “what benefits us all as a nation,” then after the election it doesn’t really matter who wins because you can feel comfortable that your voice has been expressed wisely.

CHRIS MACK Ethelhelm Close, Abingdon