I was so very sad to see your front page story of another life lost, swept away in the Thames (Oxford Mail, January 22).

My thoughts and sympathy are with the young man's family.

I know the Thames well, and its treachery in winter should never be underestimated. In summer, it is tranquil, flowing peacefully, but in winter, it can become a raging torrent.

I can testify to its ferocity. In the spring of 1961, the Thames at Wolvercote was still swollen at a high level from the winter flood.

It was May 1, the start of the outdoor swimming season.

I had accepted a dare for a £1 note, to dive in, just below the Trout bridge. I remember young Maurice Massey being with us, a greyhound trainer from Launton.

I dived in and was immediately swept downstream towards the lock. Being young and strong enough for two, I was able to gain the bank and struggle out. I resolved never to do that again.

The power of the current is unseen, but is a tremendous force.

Never go within falling distance of fast-flowing water.

VAL FAULKNER Raymond Road Bicester