Notes on a Scandal is a riveting adaptation of Zoe Heller's best-selling novel about a naive comprehensive schoolteacher, who entertains the sexual overtures of a student and falls foul of a vindictive colleague.

Heller's book unfolds in the form of a journal penned by the lesbian history teacher, who slyly and cruelly manipulates the situation to her own advantage.

Screenwriter Patrick Marber retains the narrator's acidic observations in the form of voice-over, revealing the character's disdain for her fellow teachers and delight when her despicable plan comes to fruition ("By the time I took my seat in the Gods, the opera was well and truly into its final act...") At the blackened heart of the film is a mesmerising and genuinely creepy performance by Dame Judi Dench as the embittered spinster, whose infatuation with her prey escalates out of control.

Cate Blanchett is a worthy opponent as the flighty art teacher undone by lust and Machiavellian scheming.

The on-screen sparring of these two Oscar-winning actresses galvanises Richard Eyre's film, driving the narrative towards its horribly inevitable conclusion.

Ageing schoolmistress Barbara Covett (Dench) is part of the beleaguered teaching staff of a London comprehensive.

A new term heralds the arrival of married art teacher Bathsheba Hart (Cate Blanchett), whom Barbara eventually regards as a treasure to be lured away from a sanctimonious husband (Nighy), moody teenage daughter (Temple) and Down's Syndrome son (Lewis).

When Barbara discovers the object of her affection is conducting an illicit affair with a 15-year-old pupil, Steven Connolly (Simpson), the spinster agrees to keep the liaison secret, on the understanding that Sheba terminates the relationship.

Unfortunately, Sheba is unable to resist Steven's attentions and when Barbara is rebuffed in her hour of need, she sets about sowing the seeds of Sheba's spectacular downfall.

The ugly truth is finally exposed and Sheba and Barbara find themselves at the centre of a media circus, from which neither will emerge unscathed.

Notes On A Scandal is a showcase of powerhouse performances, fuelled by the dialogue and nuances in Marber's script.

We are silent witnesses to Barbara's inner thoughts and shift uneasily in our seats when the spinster sets her plan in motion.

Dench and Blanchett are both excellent, and Nighy is compelling too, with an excellent supporting turn from Simpson.