Sir – There is a clear need to provide transport links from the north-west Bicester eco-town to the town centre.

However, the potential to improve transport for the much larger Bicester of the future must also be seized. The current infrastructure is already under pressure and radical measures are needed.

A full vision must take into account other developments at Kingsmere, Graven Hill and Caversfield, a possible retail park between the new Tesco and Bicester Avenue and a park-and-ride scheme.

Clean energy, pollution and congestion concerns point to the benefits of an electricity-powered Bicester tram system.

Phase One would link Bicester North Station to Bicester town station/town centre and on to Bicester Village.

Phase Two would run alongside the railway from Bicester North Station to north-west Bicester and could be extended to Caversfield.

Phase Three would run from Bicester Village to the new Tesco and Bicester Avenue and to the park-and-ride, where it would connect with the S5 and X5 buses (and hopefully with the London Tube and airports buses extended from Oxford). Further tram connections to Kingsmere and Graven Hill could be considered.

The tram system would eliminate the need for the Bicester Village buses which currently contribute to congestion. It is of regret that when Chiltern Railways realigned the mainline, instead of creating a third platform, they filled in the original platform which could have been used for the link that I propose.

Meanwhile, a narrow focus on the needs of north-west Bicester must not obstruct the need of Greater Bicester for a complete ring road.

Come on planners. Don’t think small. Bicester has become a national and international destination; it deserves a modern, imaginative transport system.

John Cartmell, Bicester