Sir – I was interested to see the report of a survey showing widespread support for fracking. Or so I understood from the first paragraph.

But, as I read on it became clear that what the survey actually showed was widespread support for reducing UK reliance on gas imports from overseas — not quite the same thing!

There are many ways of doing this which are sustainable in the long term, less of a threat to vital resources like water and less damaging to the environment than fracking is. But of course a survey funded by the trade association representing the UK’s oil and gas industry (UKOOG) was hardly going to show widespread support for solar power.

Moving to greener sources of energy in the UK feels like pushing a heavy boulder uphill, and one reason is because the ‘experts’ we consult are those whose income depends on the very energy sources that threaten our future.

And then the media takes their findings at face value and spreads the word as if it was gospel truth.

UKOOG must have been very pleased to see their piece of propaganda had been so successful, but I don’t think you have done your readers any favours!

Ag MacKeith, Old Botley