Sir — In your coverage of Oxford’s forthcoming Lieder festival (Limited Edition, August) a “C” appears to have dropped out of the headline: SHUBERT FIRST FOR SHOLTO (or is this a subtle example of “syncope” as defined in the Wordplay answers at the bottom of the page: “abbreviation, omission of sounds or letters from a word”?).

The “C” clearly didn’t walk very far, however, as page 7 of Weekend sees it popping up again among your classical highlights: THE STORY OF CHOPIN AND THE STORY OF GERSCHWIN.

It may be pedantic to pick up on such orthographical solecisms.

After all, the sound is the same and everyone knows which composers are meant. I schall now return to the music I interrupted to pen this letter: Schopin’s Fantaisie Impromptu in C scharp minor (which Scholto has no doubt played often).

Sonia Brough, Old Headington