Sir – With the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings still fresh in our minds and the forthcoming commemorations to mark the 100th anniversary of the First World War, it is an good opportunity to remind people of the excellent exhibit currently on display at the Witney and District Museum.

I visited the museum recently and was really quite moved by the focus on the First World War and in particular of Witney’s involvement and contribution to that conflict.

Most especially moving were the typescripts of letters from Captain Sidney Smith, who some older residents might remember.

The letters home tell of his experiences as a volunteer in the Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry throughout his service between 1914-19. They are really something and what better reminder could there be than the words of someone local who witnessed the horrors firsthand.

The war and its aftermath brought many changes to our society and it’s so important we don’t forget and most especially that we remember the sacrifice of over one million allied troops in that terrible conflict. The museum is located just off the High Street on Gloucester Court Mews and is well worth a visit.

Andrew Coles, Witney