I HOPE that you will allow me a small correction to your article (May 13) about the restoration of the window in South Hinksey parish hall.

It is true that the sum of £1,750 was contributed at my request. However, the money came from my County Council Big Society grant fund, which I used in 2013/14 to aid a number of good causes across the whole of my Kennington and Radley County Council Division. Personally I am very pleased with the end result in South Hinksey.

I think that the confusion has arisen because I am also a district councillor for Radley on the Vale of White Horse District Council. The north east area committee of the same, of which I am a member, also gave a grant to this project, about £4,000 from memory, from its community grants fund. I hope this clears the matter up.

Cllr BOB JOHNSTON, Kennington and Radley Oxon County Council, Radley, Vale of White Horse District Council

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