ROGER Tucker (February 21) appears one of an increasing number in Britain beginning to see the EU for what it really is and expressing their doubts in print. Yet a ‘no’ referendum wouldn’t halt the desire for opulence and power – the Ukraine a case of the latter.

The opulence can be deduced from the European Court of Justice alone, where Kafka-esque verdicts can take up to four years. Its judges know how to spend your money with, just for starters, extravagant chauffeur-driven cars, on top of £200,000 salaries; the court employs a thousand translators, and court proceedings are conducted in French. Why French when English is universal? View it all online.

The inconceivable growth of the EU Empire makes MEPs afterthoughts when it comes to real change, expansion and control.

There are so many worrying (sinister) signs that I would suggest those interested search online to discover prescient accounts of top EU officials’ shenanigans and dubious political pedigrees.

The worst crime of the EU elite, and its progressive allies (useful idiots) against the mass of European peoples is unquestionably importation into Europe of a never-ending flow of alien lifestyles and cultures, which, if not halted will eventually complete the destruction of a European civilisation gripped by loss of reality.

Be warned, the EU is the most gigantic bureaucratic phenomenon in history. The volumes of its legislative output (a very major controlling factor) would stretch from Carfax to Cowley – perhaps the moon. Truly a monster out of control.

STEPHEN WARD, Tudor Close, Oxford