I WOULD like to reply to the letter, ‘Let’s get money from the EU disaster fund’ from Susan Thomas (February 12).

I want to do everything I can to help those that have been so badly affected by these floods. I wrote to Environment Secretary, Owen Paterson, last month to ask him to apply for EU solidarity funding to help flood-affected communities. Unfortunately, in a letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government, I was told the national government would not be applying for the solidarity funding.

I’m still lobbying Defra to apply for these funds, which helped the UK to the tune of £134m in the wake of the 2007 floods, but I have also written to Ian Hudspeth, leader of Oxfordshire County Council, urging him to take note of the opportunities and to apply for regional development funding.

I have assurances from the commissioner responsible for both the solidarity fund and regional development funding that the UK’s flood-affected communities would be eligible for either solidarity funding to help with the clean-up process or regional funding to rebuild and develop flood defences.

I would like to give Ms Thomas my assurance that I and my Lib Dem colleagues are working tooth and nail to raise awareness of these funds and offering assistance to both the national and local government when applying for them.

You can find out more and sign a petition for this on my website bearder.eu CATHERINE BEARDER MEP Park End Street Oxford